
Europe is facing various societal challenges. Especially the preservation of the earth is a global problem that screams for sustainable solutions. By stimulating environmental friendly innovations, the European Union wants to tackle these challenges. As a result, a broad range of innovative sustainability projects are being funded to provide a more sustainable future.

Grant programmes sustainability

Sustainability is woven in various disciplines and is often linked to transport, chemistry, industrial and IT projects. Grant programmes like Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), LIFE, European Green Deal, EIC instruments, Innovation Fund and ofcourse Horizon Europe offer interesting funding opportunities and stimulate for example projects within the field of energy-efficient building, clean energy, sustainable innovative materials, sustainable process industry, circular economy, smart cities, communities & energy systems and low-carbon resilient innovations. Besides the overall European goals, local and national governments offer a range of grants that stimulate sustainable initiatives by offering grants and fiscal incentives. In The Netherlands, organisations investing in sustainable assets can for example apply for SDE++, VEKI, TSE, DEI, MIA and EIA.

Discover the possibilities

How can your organization implement these steps towards sustainability? Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information. A sustainability grant expert will be pleased to advice and help you by creating insight into the funding possibilities for your organisation.

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Or call us directly: 088 495 20 00


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