Interesting grants for energy innovations

Climates worldwide are rapidly changing for the worse; sea levels are rising, lands are drying out and the weather is becoming more extreme. To support people and organisations in reaching their sustainability goals, European and local governments launched interesting grant opportunities for stimulating energy innovations. Renewable and clean energy solutions might be the answer to our climate problems. Your innovation is therefore needed! Find out which grants are of interest to your energy solution:

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Sustainability grants for your energy innovations

Funding through subsidies offers you the possibility to bring your idea to fruition and decrease financial risks. There are several grants that offer funding for your project or organisation:

  • European Green Deal: the biggest and most comprehensive sustainable initiative as of yet. It has a whopping budget of € 1 trillion for innovative projects related to several actions, among which energy solutions that will help decarbonize the European energy system.
  • Innovation Fund: receive funding for your project in the field(s) of CCUS, low-carbon technologies, renewable energy and energy storage. Both small- and large-scale projects by individual organisations as well as consortia are eligible for funding.
  • Horizon Europe: the cluster Climate, Energy and Mobility covers almost all kinds of energy solutions. For example, apply for funding for innovative batteries, renewable energy systems, or energy-efficient buildings.
  • LIFE: all types of organisations can apply for LIFE. Particularly the LIFE subprogramme Clean Energy Transition might be of interest to your energy innovation.
  • European City Facility: receive a subsidy of € 60.000 for investments plans for sustainable energy projects. With this grant, governments and local authorities are able to overcome barriers such as shortage of financial and legal capacities.

Services provided by Hezelburcht

Our specialists are skilled in identifying interesting grants and writing strong proposals and applications. We would be pleased to support you with drawing up a Funding Strategy which will help you get a better understanding of which grants are available and relevant to your project or organisation. Want to take it a step further? Then we will also support you in acquiring these grants. Contact us for more information on our services and the grant possibilities for your energy solution.

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Innovation Fund
Related grant Innovation Fund
Are you, individually or in collaboration with partners, working on an large- or small-scale (demons...Read more


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