Horizon Europe: five missions to a better world

Horizon Europe, the largest funding programme for R&D and innovation, has identified five missions that aim to find solutions to some of the greatest challenges of our time. From battling climate change to new treatments against cancer: your project can make a difference with the right tools and funding. In this article, we will discuss these Horizon Europe missions and how you are able to offer a valuable contribution.

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Mission: Cancer

Cancer is a horrible disease that affects everyone regardless of age, gender, social status and so on. The current data indicates that in Europe alone, the number of people newly diagnosed with cancer will increase from 3.5 million now to more than 4.3 million by 2035 if no action is taken. This disease can be battled by joining efforts across Europe. So are you working on a cure for this disease? Or have you found a way to prevent it or improve the lives of those affected by cancer, including families? Your idea can be valuable to this mission.

Mission: Adaptation to climate change

Europe not only has to prevent but also adapt to climate change. To do so, this EU mission aims to support dozens of European regions and communities to become climate resilient by 2030. This means that Horizon Europe is looking for ideas that will help us adjust to actual or expected climate and its effects. Your solution that will help us prepare for the impact of climate change might be the answer to this mission.

Mission: Restore our Oceans, seas and waters by 2030

The oceans and waters play a key role in achieving climate neutrality and restoring nature. This mission aims to protect 30% of the EU’s sea area and also restore marine ecosystems and 25.000 km of free flowing rivers. We can prevent and eliminate pollution by reducing litter at sea, nutrient losses and use of chemical pesticides by 50%. Are you currently looking for or have you found a solution to this problem? Contact us and find out whether your research might be eligible for Horizon Europe funding.

Mission: Climate neutral and smart cities

Although only taking up 4% of EU’s land area, cities play an important role to climate neutrality. Afterall, they are home to 75% of EU citizens and account for more than 70% of global CO2 emissions and consume 65% of the world’s energy. The aim to is the create dozens of climate-neutral and smart cities by 2030. Part of this plan is for cities to act as experimentation and innovation hubs so that all European cities can follow suit by 2050.

Mission: Soil health and food

Life on earth depends on healthy soils; a bad soil means no basis for food and other essential ecosystem services, such as clean water, biodiversity and climate regulation. We must therefore protect our soils and restore land across Europe. Ambitious research is needed to create knowledge, test solutions and demonstrate these in real-life conditions. Part of this mission is the creation of 100 living labs and lighthouses to lead the transition towards healthy soils.

Apply now for Horizon Europe

These missions pose immense challenges, but can be done if we work and innovate together. Do you believe your research offers a valuable contribution to either one of these missions? We would be pleased to discuss the possibilities of Horizon Europe during a one-on-one meeting! Contact us for more information on Horizon Europe or our services.

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Horizon Europe
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