EIC Transition

For whom?

Legal entities in the EU, such as SMEs, universities, start-ups or other organisations

For what?

Getting your technology or innovation investment-ready

Technology Readiness Level (TRL)

4 – 6


Up to € 2.5 million

More information on EIC Transition

Do you participate in (or did you recently finish) a H2020 Pathfinder, FET or ERC Proof of Concept project and do you aim to get both your technology and the business idea investment-ready? If you want to bring your ground-breaking technology towards its maturation and validation in some specific applications and investigate its market potential, then the European Innovation Council (EIC) Transition might be the right instrument for you!

The EIC Transition is a funding instrument for innovation activities that are ready to go beyond the experimental proof of principle in laboratory settings. It supports both the maturation and validation of your novel technology as well as the development of a business case and business model.

About the EIC Programmes

The EIC has launched three instruments, each offering funding during successive stages of the innovation process. The programme supports high-risk/high gain ideas that have the potential to scale up internationally. EIC offers the following three grant instruments:

  1. EIC Pathfinder (for innovation with TRL levels up to 3/4)
  2. EIC Transition (for innovation with TRL levels from 3/4 up to 5/6)
  3. EIC Accelerator (for innovation with TRL levels from 5/6 up to 9)

All three programmes are divided into two type of calls: Open and Challenges. Continue reading to discover the funding possibilities of these calls!

EIC Transition Open

The EIC Transition funds novel technologies by innovators that are ready for maturation and validation in labs and other relevant application environments (by making use of prototyping, models, user testing, and so on). The activities must address market readiness towards commercialization and deployment as well as other relevant aspects of regulation, certification and standardisation. The main goal is getting both your technology and the business idea investment-ready. At the end of your Transition project you should be ready for the next stage towards market deployment: e.g. applying for the EIC Accelerator (if you are an SME), seeking investors, licensing, or collaboration agreements with third parties.

The EIC Transition Open is open to project proposals regardless of the field of science, technology or application. There are no predefined thematic priorities.

EIC Transition Challenges

The EIC Transition has also defined two specific Challenges which might be a match with your novel technology. Although the objectives remain the same as in the Transition Open, getting your technology and business idea investment-ready, this call is only open to innovations in specific fields of technology or application described by the specific challenges below:

  • Full scale Micro-Nano-Bio devices for medical and medical research applications
  • Environmental intelligence
  • Chip-scale optical frequency combs

Who can apply?

The EIC Transition is open to proposals by single entities established in a Member State or Associated Country. Single entities can be either SMEs, start-ups, spin-offs or research performing organisations.

Proposals can also be submitted by a small consortium of minimum two and maximum five independent legal entities. This may include for example SMEs, larger companies, universities, research organisations, user/customer organisations or potential end users (such as hospitals, industry, public authorities).

Important to note is that, as Transition funding is a new scheme, for 2021 applications must build on results from eligible Pathfinder, FET or ERC Proof of Concept projects. For active projects holds that the start date of the grant is more than 12 months before the date of the Transition call deadline. For completed projects holds that you may apply within 24 months of the completion of the project. Moreover, you do not need to be the owner of the previous project results, however, you must demonstrate that you are the Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) owner or holder, or have the necessary rights to commercialise the IPR of the linked Pathfinder, FET or ERC Proof of Concept project results to be further developed.

Application process of EIC Transition

Your application (for both Open and Challenges calls) will be evaluated by EIC expert evaluators during phase 1. You will be informed of the results, including feedback on your proposal, within 9 weeks after the call deadline. If your proposal passes the first evaluation phase, you will be invited for phase 2: a face to face interview scheduled to take place approximately 13 weeks after the call deadline. An EIC jury will assess your proposal during the interview. You will be informed of the results within 4 weeks from the start of the interviews.

Is your proposal a success? Then your grant agreement will be signed within approximately 6 months from the call deadline.

Take your novel technology to the next level!

Our team of specialist has plenty of experience in supporting companies and universities in acquiring (European) grants. Additionally, our experts have a relevant background at either MSc or PhD level in a diversity of sectors and are familiar with the particular sector specific steps that need to be taken in order to bring the scientific basis of your breakthrough technology to the next phase. We provide full service: from identifying interesting grants to writing proposals and project management.

If you have any questions about the EIC Transition or one of the other EIC instruments or our services, please contact us via 088 495 20 00 or info@hezelburcht.com, or fill in the form below.

European Innovation Council (EIC)
Related grant European Innovation Council (EIC)
The current European Innovation Council (EIC) has been established under the Horizon Europe programm...Read more


Are you interested in the EIC Transition or any of the other EIC instruments? Please don’t hesitate to contact us via 088 495 20 00 or info@hezelburcht.com for more information on the programme(s) or our services. Or fill in the form below: