European Defence Fund (EDF)
For whom?
Innovative SMEs, companies, knowledge institutes and universities
For what?
New technologies and products for the defence sector
€ 8 billion (2021-2027)
Discover EDF funding for your project
Get in touch with our EDF specialists.
Fréderique Koopmans
088 495 20 00Are you currently developing new and interesting technologies or products? Then perhaps the European Commission (EC) is looking for your innovation! The EC offers funding via the European Defence Fund (EDF) 2021-2027 for new technologies and products that can be a great asset to the (European) defence industry. The EDF will not only strengthen the industry and strategic autonomy, but will also give you the chance to offer a valuable contribution on a European level and collaborate with other parties! The EDF call of 2024 is open for submissions until 29 October 2024.
European Defence Fund (EDF) Work Programme 2025
The Europesan Committe published the fifth annual work programme. For this programme, € 1.065 billion has been allocated to support the development of essential defence technologies and capabilities. There are 33 topics identified in 2025 for which projects can be considered. The main components within which an application can be made are: medical-response, communication technologies, space, air/ground combat, cyber resilience, digitalisation, energy independence, materials & components. Innovative technologies that can be used for defence include: sensors, radar systems, stronger materials, cameras, drones, better batteries or, for example, mobility.
The programme is open for submission of proposals from mid-February to 16 October 2025.
An information day about the European Defence Fund call of 2025 will be held on 2 and 3 April 2025.
For whom is the European Defence Fund?
The EC aims to encourage more SMEs to participate within the programme. The preparatory programme EDIDP was for that reason specifically focused on SMEs. This aim has now also been extended to the new fund by encouraging collaboration between businesses, research institutes and universities. Business no matter their size, from SMEs to midcaps, are invited to participate and collaborate.
There are some requirements in order to participate in a collaborative project:
- Participating organisations have to be located in an EU Member State;
- Participating organisations are owned by members of the EU;
- Project proposals are focused on the needs of the defence industry.
Project requirements
The European Defence Fund encourages cooperation among businesses, research institutions, and governments to develop new defence technologies. Selected projects under the 2022 call for example, included next-generation aircraft fighters, tanks, ships, and space-based early warning systems. Disruptive technologies and promising SMEs are also part of the mix. Success is measured by achieving project objectives, advancing defence capabilities, and fostering collaboration among stakeholders. Projects should enhance Europe’s strategic autonomy and strengthen its defence industrial base.
Budget and grant amount
The EDF has a total budget of nearly € 8 billion for 2021-2027. From this budget € 2.7 billion is allocated for collaborative defence research, and € 5.3 billion is for collaborative capability development projects that complement national contributions. The EDF provides varying funding rates for different types of activities. Research activities can be funded up to 100%, while development activities have different funding rates, complementing Member States’ or industrial investments, ranging from 20% to 80% (from prototyping to certification).
European Defence Fund application support
Do you want to know more about the European Defence Fund? We would be pleased to find out whether your project is a match for the EDF or any other funding programme. You can contact us via, call to 088 495 20 00 or fill in the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.