CEF Transport
For whom?
Governments and businesses
For what?
Transport projects that contribute to a solid European network
Budget 2021 – 2027
€ 25.81 billion
CEF Transport call: expected to open in September 2024
The main transport network is crucial for the European economy. Europe cannot grow without good connections and without growth no prosperity. As of January 2014, the European Union has a new infrastructure policy, which aims to create a high-quality European transport network. The policy aims to connect the Member States with each other, but also with the rest of the world, in order to stimulate growth and competitiveness. The current fragmented network will be transformed into a solid European network. CEF (Connecting Europe Facility) Transport supports projects that will help with the realization of a sustainable, integrated and efficient transport network.
Eligible projects within CEF Transport
For the period 2021 – 2027, approximately € 25.81 billion has been earmarked for projects that:
- stimulate the interoperability of the railway network;
- work towards long-term solutions for sustainable and efficient transport systems;
- decarbonise all transport modes;
- stimulate innovation in transport;
- streamline the cross-border network.
Policy themes CEF Transport
The following policy themes are defined in the new multiannual work programme:
- Core theme: Smart and Green;
- Smooth and safe European freight and passenger transport;
- Better cross-border (rail) connections;
- Hard infrastructure and data systems;
- Sustainable mobility;
- Alternative fuels.
CEF Transport budget
As indicated, the budget (2021-2027) is more than € 25 billion. This is distributed as follows:
- € 12.83 billion for the general envelope;
- € 11.29 billion for the cohesion envelope (not applicable to the Netherlands);
- € 1.69 billion for military mobility.
New CEF Transport call is expected to open in september 2024.
Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Facility (CEF AFIF)
Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Facility (AFIF), formerly known as CEF Transport Blending Facility, is an instrument intended for projects that are ready for market but still need funding. The focus within this instrument is on the rapid deployment of zero emission alternative fuels. This instrument covers both the TEN-T Core Network and the Comprehensive Network. CEF AFIF has been open for applications again since 29 February 2024 and has three different cut-off dates in 2024 and 2025.
Budget and availability CEF AFIF
A budget of € 1 billion is available within this AFIF call, which is divided between the general envelope (€780 million) and the cohesion envelope (€220 million). Below is an overview of the cut-off dates:
- First cut-off date: 24 September 2024
- Second cut-off date: 11 June 2025
- Third cut-off date: 7 December 2025
Eligible projects within CEF AFIF
The following projects are supported:
- the rollout of fast chargers for electricity;
- the roll-out of hydrogen filling infrastructure on the TEN-T road network, preferably for heavy long-distance transport;
- the rollout of hydrogen and electricity charging points for public transport and heavy transport in urban nodes;
- the rollout of shore power in seaports, inland ports and airports;
- the realization of megawatt charging stations for heavy vehicles;
- the realization of electricity and hydrogen facilities at airports;
- the realization of electricity facilities and ammonia/methanol bunkering facilities in ports;
- and finally, promoting actions that support LNG bunkering for TEN-T seaports and inland ports.
More information?
Would you like to know more about the funding possibilities of CEF Transport for your organisation or project? Schedule a one-on-one meeting with one of our specialists! Get in touch via 088 495 20 00 or info@hezelburcht.com.