Bosch Beton

Somewhere behind a farm in Kootwijkerbroek, an innovative enterprise came to life in 1968. Gert van den Bosch began developing concrete cattle grids. As a result, neighboring farmers became interested and started requesting his product, eventually resulting in the existence of Bosch Beton industrie B.V.. The enterprise grew consistently over time and now completely focuses on creating solutions for the agricultural industry as well as groundworks, infrastructure and hydraulic engineering.

New sustainable factory to support Bosch Beton’s ambitions

To supports its growth and ambitions, Bosch Beton made the decision to build a new factory in the nearby village of Barneveld. Barneveld will soon become the home of a new smart and sustainable industrial building designed by the regulations of the BREEAM-NL certificate. As a result of this sustainable design Bosch Beton will receive the highest certificate possible (‘outstanding’) for its factory as well as great tax benefits. This certificate is only handed out to organisations if their properties are considered sustainable and in good health. Thanks to its sustainability, Bosch Beton’s newly designed industrial building qualifies for the MIA regulation.

BREEAM-NL in combination with other grants

Within this project the BREEAM-NL certificate is smartly combined with many other grants. Certain investments in energy-reducing techniques were subsidized with the use of the EIA grant. Furthermore, with the use of the SDE+ grant 16.000 solar panels will be installed so that the industrial building can generate its own energy and become self-sufficient. Bosch Beton also has the ambition to produce hydrogen on site. The factory will become something similar to that of power plant combined with its function as a location of production.

Fully powered by electricity

Bosch Beton still uses fossil energy for its heat sources and fuel for its fork-lift trucks at their old factory. At the new building site, climate-damaging fuels will be excluded and only electrical power-driven energy will be used. Whilst designing the building, the export of cargo via railroads has been taken into account. Finally, the future prospect is that heavy goods vehicle traffic will only be powered by hydrogen, reducing CO2 emissions outside of the factory and so also reducing Bosch Beton’s carbon footprint.

Smart and clean Demonstration factories

The province of Gelderland stimulates its entrepreneurs in modernising and making their factories ready for the future. Entrepreneurs active in the production industry can hand in project plans in which they introduce ideas that will make their factories smarter and cleaner. The grant called ‘Smart and Clean Demonstration Factories’ (in Dutch: Slimme en Schone Demonstratiefabrieken) offers support for entrepreneurs with innovative ideas. The grant amounts  € 200.000 and helps  to realise their smart, sustainable plans. It’s of great importance that initiators share and demonstrate their knowledge and expertise with other SME’s located in Gelderland.

Collaboration with Hezelburcht

Combined with all the innovative regulations, the new factory is a great example of an efficient and sustainable project. With the support of Hezelburcht, Bosch Beton successfully applied for the EIA, MIA, SDE+ and Smart and Clean Demonstration Factories regulations. The project is considered to be one of the best initiatives and as a result receives a great contribution of the province of Gelderland.

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