Meet the Life Sciences team

The funding structure of universities throughout Europe has changed drastically in the last years. From structural research financing by governments the focus has shifted to research funding by (personal) grants. This requires a professional approach for grant acquisition. The Hezelburcht Life Sciences grant experts have ample experience in all these steps and are ready to help universities and research institutes with their grant acquisition strategy.

We would like to briefly introduce you to our team members!

Bram van Weerdenburg, PhD

Bram studied Chemistry at Radboud University Nijmegen. During his BSc and MSc, his research focussed on flow chemistry, biocatalysis and medicinal chemistry. His PhD fellowship concentrated on chemical reactions that can improve the sensitivity of NMR. The improved sensitivity was used to develop new diagnostic applications. As a post-doc Bram synthesized heterocyclic building blocks for new biological targets as part of the European Lead Factory program. Bram is passionate about topics such as energy transition, biobased economy, hydrogen and circularity. Since 2016, he works at Hezelburcht and supports grants in the field of Life Sciences and Chemistry. He has experience with national as well as European grant proposals and project management. Get in touch!

Carola Janssen, PhD

Carola performed her MSc in Biomedical Sciences at Radboud University. Hereafter, she started her PhD research at the Donders Institute and Radboud University Medical Centre. Her project focused on the influence of nutrition on brain development and degeneration in preclinical models. Carola successfully defended her thesis in 2015. In the same year, she started working as a Consultant Life Sciences at Hezelburcht. Since then, she has supported national and European grant proposals for projects with themes ranging from nutrition, neuroscience, molecular diagnostics, oncology, antimicrobials and clinical research. Currently, Carola is also involved in the project management of a Marie Skłodowska-Curie COFUND project on the development of novel antimicrobials. Get in touch!

Joëlle Vos, MSc

Joëlle received her MSc in Medical Biology at Radboud University Nijmegen in 2016. During her studies she worked in forensic medicine, focussing on the oligodendrocyte population in the hippocampus of the alcoholic brain at Karolinska Institutet, Sweden. She moved on to a project studying the lipase metabolism in carnivore fish, in collaboration with the National Institute of Nutrition and Seafood Research in Bergen, Norway. Hereafter, she continued her academic career towards innovation management. This brought her back to Karolinska, where she studied the dynamic collaboration between academia and Big Pharma. Working as a consultant at Hezelburcht since 2017, she pursues her passion for Life Sciences in a wide variety of projects on a regional, national and international level aimed at both companies and universities. Get in touch!

Nils Kooijman, MSc

Nils graduated as a MSc in Biology at University Leiden, with a specialisation in Biology and Science Communication. Nils’ MSc thesis focused on the often confusing and contradicting information in the field of healthy nutrition, diabetes and obesity. From 2012 onwards, he has gained experience with regional, national, European grants. Themes in these grants range from proton therapy, cardiology, pharmacy and clinical research. Furthermore, Nils has specialised in supporting (medical) ICT innovation and research. Get in touch!

Rolf Pullens, PhD

Rolf Pullens studied Biomedical Engineering at the University of Technology Eindhoven (TU/e). This MSc integrates chemistry, physics and materials science with physiology and medical biology. After his master degree, he performed PhD research on tissue engineering of blood vessels at the TU/e. Rolf started as a consultant at Hezelburcht after his graduation in 2009. He has supported proposals for various regional, national and European grants. Themes in these grants were among others biomarkers, systems medicine, molecular diagnostics, pharmacy and clinical studies. Since 2017 Rolf fulfils the position of Manager Nijmegen, although he is still closely connected to the Life Sciences team. Get in touch!

Extensive knowledge of grant programmes

Hezelburcht is experienced in applying for grants at regional, national and European funding schemes. Among others, Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie, European Research Council (ERC) Starting, Consolidator and Advanced Grants, Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) VENI, VIDI, VICI & Industrial Doctorates, ZonMw, Horizon 2020 FCH-JU, Dutch Cancer Foundation and NutsOhra fund.

Please contact us for more information



Should you have any questions about this specific grant or about grants in general, please do not hesitate to contact us!


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Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.