Grants and subsidies for Artificial Intelligence projects

The technological world has changed at an unprecedented rate in recent decades. One of the technologies that has benefited from this is Artificial Intelligence (AI). The term AI was first introduced in 1956, but the radical changes brought about by this innovation have only really been noticeable since the beginning of the 21st century. With 40 trillion MB of data created every year, this data-driven technology is only in its early stages of the potential it can achieve. Therefore there are plenty of grants and subsidies for Artificial Intelligence projects.grants artificial intelligence

Artificial Intelligence as a key technology

The ‘key technology’ label given to AI shows that the nature of this innovation has the potential to make a radical impact in all kinds of sectors. After all, a key technology is essential for new solutions in social issues. In addition, it is also a major drive for economic growth, increasing competition and strengthening the labour market. The application of AI is therefore becoming gradually more important in the Netherlands and the challenges in the AI field are becoming increasingly complex.

Grants and subsidies for AI projects

To remain a driving force and to support innovation, large investments are needed. To stimulate these investments, the government offers grants on a regional, national and European level for both organisations with AI as a core development and organisations and partnerships that want to implement AI in their business operations.

Because AI, like ICT, contributes to many innovation processes as an enabling technology, several innovation grants exist for AI. On the one hand, there are tax incentives to reduce the labour costs of innovation, such as the Dutch WBSO ICT. On the other hand, there are also grants and subsidies to finance part of the development costs, such as the MIT R&D AI (for Dutch SMEs), Digital Europe and Horizon Europe.

Realise your AI-projects with grants and funding

Are you developing an AI innovation? Or do you want to apply AI technology in your organisation? Our specialists will be happy to advise you on the funding opportunities that make this possible. Fill in the form below for a one-on-one meeting, or call us directly on 088 495 20 00.