Research Grants

The funding structure of universities throughout Europe has changed drastically in the last years. From structural research financing by governments the focus has shifted to research funding by (personal) grants. This requires a professional approach for grant acquisition which covers finding and matching projects to grant programmes, building the right consortia, writing strong applications and managing the administrative sides of the projects. Hezelburcht has ample experience in all these steps and is ready to help universities and research institutes with their grant acquisition strategy.

We take care of all grant-related issues so you can focus on your core activities. Below you will find an overview of the activities Hezelburcht can perform in the different phases of project funding. Although we happily provide full service, a subset of these can be chosen and tailored to your wishes.

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Grant information & identification of projects

  • We provide up-to-date and customer specific grant information. Hezelburcht obtains current funding information through its network and the funding bodies.
  • Hezelburcht proactively contributes to improving the awareness of interesting grant opportunities. Based on meetings with project leaders and additional information, we will perform scans in which grant opportunities are linked to the planned project.
  • We will assess the feasibility of a project related to an identified grant.
  • In addition to preparing a qualitatively excellent application, Hezelburcht invests in the lobby for each project. By bringing the project under the attention of the grant provider in an early stage, we enhance the chance of getting the grant awarded.

Proposal writing

  • We can provide a project and grant specific roadmap for writing a grant proposal.
  • Hezelburcht can support you by taking over the complete organisation of writing the full proposal. We can also support specific tasks during the writing phase of a proposal, like reviewing the proposal, guide consortium meetings or write parts of the proposal.

Project management

  • We offer complete project management for all projects (i.e. for Horizon Europe). This may include activities such as drawing up the consortium agreement, day to day (financial) project management, reporting and amendments.
  • Similar to the support in the writing phase, project management support can also be provided partially.

Extensive knowledge of EU grant programmes

Hezelburcht has a high level of knowledge of EU grant programmes and applies for European grants for international organisations and consortia. In 2015/2016 Hezelburcht has successfully raised € 270 million funding within European programmes. Moreover, our European strategy has thus far yielded significant results with a success rate of approximately 40%. In comparison, the average for European subsidy applications is just under 15%.

Get in touch with our specialists!

Dedicated and experienced team

Our team consist of ambitious and entrepreneurial consultants with high-quality backgrounds and provides grant advice specific for both fundamental scientific research and commercial R&D. Our consultants speak the clients’ language and their backgrounds match the clients’ sectors. The scientific backgrounds range from Biomedical Engineering, Chemistry, Health and Nutrition, Oncology, Biology, eHealth to Neuroscience.


Interested in our services and expertise? Please feel free to contact us for more information or an introductionary meeting free of charge.


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Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.