
Vartion is a young and innovative company from Amsterdam, which distinguishes itself with its expertise in data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI). Their AI engine can help various sectors with powerful data driven systems. With this engine they have already supported organisations like RadboudUMC and KPMG.

Innovative Artificial Intelligence platforms

AI is the development of the 21st century. As an enabling technology, it has the potential to transform many industries and sectors completely. But applying this key technology to make a real impact requires a lot of knowledge and innovative solutions. The work of the AI specialists at Vartion can therefore be perfectly captured in the Dutch WBSO ICT applications, but projects that first require an investigation into technical and economic feasibility before they can be developed can make smart use of MIT Feasibility.

Successful MIT Feasibility and WBSO grant for Vartion

Prior to the development project, Vartion conducted a feasibility study into the possibilities for an AI system in analysing politically exposed persons (PEP). Correct analysis of PEPs is necessary in the financial sector in order to combat money laundering, corruption and bribery.

During the ‘AI AM PEP’ project, Vartion was awarded € 20,000 to explore the technical possibilities over a 12-month period. In addition, they also looked for the economic values and consequences that can be linked to this. Upon completion of the project, they were able to develop and market the proposed product. They were granted with WBSO funding for the actual development itself.

Collaboration with Hezelburcht

Hezelburcht was involved in the project as Vartion’s subsidy partner and took care of the entire MIT feasibility subsidy application. The specialists at Hezelburcht also took care of the WBSO application for Vartion.

Hezelburcht has guided us through all aspects of the subsidy application from the very beginning. In a short space of time, our cooperation has led to great results. Thanks to Hezelburcht’s proactive attitude and thorough knowledge, we were able to fully focus on our projects and developing our AI processes and models. - Patrick Croonen, COO/CTO of Vartion