Apex International

Hapert, located in the province of Brabant, is the home base of Apex International, the world’s largest anilox and metering roll manufacturer. Apex is specialised in developing and producing coating and ink transfer products, with a specific focus on the printing, coating, and corrugated cardboard industry. Apex is considered a superpower within its industry with over 5.000 content customers in over 80 countries. Customer focused, Committed to Innovation, The Measure of Quality, Global Ink and Metering Solutions are hallmarks of Apex International.

Innovation abroad

Apex has been working together with Hezelburcht for over twenty years for its R&D activities by applying for various grants such as WBSO, OP-Zuid, MIT and now also DHI. To retain its position Apex has invested in production sites on multiple continents. Asia is one of Apex greatest area of distribution. In the current DHI project ‘Port to Asia’ they have been investing in the expansion of production sites to India.

With years of support in applying for and concluding multiple grants, we value Hezelburcht for their critical analysis of administrative questions.  - Mireille Looijmans, Apex International