Jeroen Weekamp, BEng

Jeroen Weekamp, BEng


Phone number
088 495 20 00


Jeroen has been active in the grant sector since 1998. During that time he’s been involved in many different projects, from export to education, as well as investments and innovations. Most assignments focussed on supporting clients with acquiring grants and managing external financed projects in every sector you can imagine.

At Hezelburcht, I’m a contact point for credits and projects aimed at international enterprise. I’m specialised in projects aimed at large, innovative SMEs with borrowing requirements. Outside of work I also try to be involved, particularly in the lives of my kids. For instance, I’m the chairman of the participation council at my kids’ elementary school as well as the coach of their sport clubs.

Working at Hezelburcht

Since March 1998


Business Engineering (BEng) | Eindhoven Technical University of Applied Sciences


Grant management for large industrial SME’s


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