Green Deal Call for developing green airports and ports

The European Green Deal is a large-scale programme by the European Commission (EC) in order to create a climate neutral Europe. The EC is committed to drastically reduce pollution caused by transport. The development of green airports and ports are an important step to reach this climate goal. The theme ‘Sustainable and smart mobility’ contains grants for projects focused on either one of the following topics: [1] Green Airports or [2] Green Ports.

Green Deal call area 5: sustainable and smart mobility

Aviation and waterborn transport both contribute significantly to GHG emissions and climate change. It is expected that traffic volumes in aviation will double by 2050, thereby also increasing the current amount of 15% global GHG emissions. Waterborne transport currently accounts for about 2,5% of global GHG emissions. As essential inter-connection points and nodes within transport networks, the development of green airports and ports could make a difference and reduce global GHG emissions considerably.

Topic 1: Green airports

For demonstration projects of advanced innovations (high TRL-level). Project must include innovative and sustainable solutions that can be applied to the following airport dimensions:

  • Transport
  • Terminal
  • Energy
  • Cross-cutting aspects (such as safety and security, eco-labelling, etc.)

Topic 2: Green ports

For demonstration projects of advanced innovations (high TRL-level) with a focus on green maritime and inland ports, such as:

  • Demonstrate integrated low-emission energy supply and production at ports.
  • Demonstrate sustainability and innovation beyond energy supply and demand at ports, for example energy-efficient buildings or innovative construction.
  • Demonstrate seamless and highly efficient logistics and port operations, for integrated port-hinterland connections.
  • Perform pilot activities to showcase the positive environmental effects of digitalisation in ports.
  • Optimisation mechanisms for passengers and freight flows into and out of the port.

Proposals in either one of the topics are required to incorporate field monitoring of at least six months before definitively applying the solutions. After application, the innovative solutions will be monitored for at least one year in order to allow comparison of the effectiveness of the deployable solutions.

Goal of this area: Zero-emission airports and ports in 2030

Projects that are eligible for this grant will contribute to the reduction of global GHG emissions by aviation, waterborne and other forms of transport. It is expected that reducing CO2 emissions will improve air quality, biodiversity, circular economy and reduce noise at airports and ports. Overall, green airports and ports will contribute significantly to the realisation of the Green Deal goals.

Hezelburcht supports

Do you or your organisation have the desire and ambition to create green airports and ports? Would you like to stay informed about the other areas within the Green Deal call or about area 5 ‘Sustainable and smart mobilty’ in particular? Contact us and our specialists will examine whether your project will be eligible for subsidy.

Interested? Contact us for more information
Or call us directly: 088 495 20 00


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