Education & Labor

Motivated and qualified personnel are crucial to an organisation. Employees who feel involved are more productive and are less absent due to illness. It is for these reasons important as a company to invest in expanding the knowledge, competences and skills of your employees.

A lot of organisations are not aware of the grant possibilities regarding education and social regulations. However, these are missed opportunities as there is a plethora of grant possibilities with a focus on education and training. Via Dutch grants such as Tel mee met Taal you can arrange language courses for employees with language difficulties. Besides, the grant ESF and SLIM offers the possibility to stimulate durable employability among employees.

Education subsidies | Discover the possibilities!

Hezelburcht has extensive knowledge of Dutch and European grants that support education and development of employees. Would you like to know more about the grant possibilities for education and training within your organisation? We offer grant support and related services for many types of investments, varying from Sustainability, High Tech and ICT to Education and Labor. Feel free to contact us for more information.

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