Eindhoven University of Technology

Department of Biomedical Engineering

Hezelburcht has been providing structural grant support to researchers from the Department of Biomedical Engineering (DBE) of the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) since September 2017. The purpose of DBE with this support is to further professionalise the grant acquisition policy, to improve the quality of the management of multi-partner projects and to increase revenues from grants. Furthermore, by giving support with all grant-related matters, DBE professors are able to spend more time on scientific research.

Hezelburcht therefore staffs a grants desk, writes and reviews grant applications and supports DBE’s researchers with the project management of various grant programs.

Structural grant support & desk

The consultants of Hezelburcht’s Life Sciences, Health & Food team bring grant options to the researchers’ attention via a monthly newsletter. This newsletter focuses on the scope of research within the department. In addition, the consultants provide support to the researchers by setting up individual grant scans, selecting the right grant program and the associated application process.

The structural grant support has led to more awareness of grant opportunities within the department. As a result, not only more, but also more diverse grant applications are submitted to different grant providers.

Support for many project applications for innovative research

These past years Hezelburcht has supported the DBE with writing, reviewing and managing of grant and grant applications of different calls within the Horizon 2020 program like ERC Starting, Consolidator and Advanced, Research and Innovation Actions, Marie Sklodowska-Curie ITNs and FET Open. Moreover, Dutch grant programs like NWO TTW OTP, NWO Demonstrator and NWO VENI, VIDI & VICI, KWF Kankerbestrijding (Dutch Cancer Society) and the Hartstichting (Heart Foundation) have been supported by Hezelburcht. Hezelburcht has also provided support with fellowship applications in programs such as the Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP) and the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO)

Proud of the collaboration

Hezelburcht is proud of the great collaboration with the TU/e. The awarded grants and scholarships support the top researchers of the DBE with realising their ambitions. Consequently, they have the opportunity to work on innovative technologies of the future, from regenerative medicine to biomedical image analyses and from bioinformatics to molecular biotechnology. The insights and results obtained from the DBE’s research ultimately contributes to improved healthcare.

We had three goals with the collaboration of Hezelburcht. Firstly, providing our staff members and researchers with advice about grant programs. Secondly, managing ongoing European and Dutch grant projects. And finally, increasing the success rate of new applications. All three goals have been convincingly achieved. A well-deserved compliment for the Hezelburcht consultants! - Rob Debey - Chief of Operations DBE


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