ARCAID at Amsterdam UMC

Autoimmune rheumatic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis exert a significant toll on the quality of life of millions of afflicted patients and significantly influence European societies in the form of loss of productivity and high costs. Major advances in the understanding of the immunological processes underlying these diseases have been made, but often it has not been possible to translate these to improved diagnostics or therapeutic healthcare interventions.

Marie Skłodowska-Curie COFUND ARCAID programme

The Marie Skłodowska-Curie COFUND ARCAID programme at the Amsterdam UMC will therefore train highly skilled researchers who will drive the translation of immunological rheumatology research to healthcare applications that directly benefit the patient. ARCAID joins forces of multidisciplinary research groups to train a total of twenty international PhD candidates. ARCAID closely collaborates with multiple international academic, private and non-governmental organisations. The ARCAID programme enforces a strong international long-term network that is committed to the development of a personalised approach for translational immunological rheumatology.

Successful application | Hezelburcht & Amsterdam UMC

ARCAID has received funding from the Marie Skłodowska-Curie COFUND instrument as part of the European Horizon 2020 programme. The European Commission aims to develop the research skills of young researchers and offer them improved career perspectives with this instrument. Hezelburcht has written the application together with the researchers at Amsterdam UMC. This proposal was ranked number 3 in the MSCA COFUND round of 2018.

The MSCA COFUND instrument offers us a unique opportunity to train the next generation of excellent researchers in the field of translational immunological rheumatology. The support that Hezelburcht offered in coordinating the grant application process and the major responsibility they took in drafting and editing the application documents were invaluable and allowed us to submit a highly competitive proposal of exceptional quality. - Prof. dr. Ronald van Vollenhoven, Head of the Dept. of Rheumatology

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