Receive extra funding for your hydrogen project with IPCEI Hydrogen

Are you considering investing in generating, utilising, storing and/or transporting climate neutral hydrogen? Or are you already developing electrolysers? And would you like to work together with (European) partners? The European Commission wants to set up an Important Project of Common European Interest (IPCEI) Hydrogen In order to facilitate collaboration and stimulate a large-scale hydrogen project. This IPCEI can lead to a beautiful European collaborative project in which projects with an IPCEI status may even receive additional state funding from their respective governments. Hezelburcht explains what this IPCEI Hydrogen entails and how it may benefit your project.

What is IPCEI Hydrogen?

IPCEI Hydrogen is an initiative by the European Commission. It has the goal of bringing national projects together and create one big European project with a robust hydrogen value chain. Are there enough interested parties in a participating Member State? Then these parties may receive extra state funding. The eligible costs can be aided up to 100% of the funding gap.

Aspects of IPCEI

There are a few important aspects of IPCEI Hydrogen (and IPCEI’s in general), such as:

  • The IPCEI must contribute to European Union objectives and have a significant impact across the EU
  • Projects involve more than one Member State
  • There is a positive spill-over effect on internal market/union society, not just limited to participating Member States and companies
  • It has to be co-financed by beneficiaries
  • Projects must be of a major innovative nature or of important added value

IPCEI’s have many advantages for participants. For example, participants will get in contact with new and different technologies, infrastructures and insights. It also offers the possibility to expand your network to other EU countries.

Interested in IPCEI Hydrogen?

Are you working on groundbreaking hydrogen innovations? Would you like to be part of Europe’s largest collaborative hydrogen project? Contact us for more information about IPCEI Hydrogen!

Contact us for more information on IPCEI Hydrogen
Or call us directly: 088 495 20 00


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