Funding opportunities by the US Department of Defence

In a previous post we informed you about various United States (US) funding opportunities for researchers that are not based in the US. Next to these previous mentioned funds, the US Department of Defence also has many funding possibilities accessible for non-US based researchers. A short overview is given in this article.

Department of Defence (DoD)

Although the DoD might not be the first you think of as grant provider, they finance projects in many different fields, ranging from basic to applied research. The overarching aim of DoD grants is to support developments that provide the military the insight needed to prevent war and to protect the security of the United States of America. This can be seen in the broadest sense, varying from ecology projects, fundamental quantum technology research to cancer research.

Grant opportunities

Medical sciences and health

The DoD funding body providing grants in the Life Sciences field is the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program (CDMRP). The common goal of CDMRP projects is to advance shifts in research perspective, develop solutions that will lead to cures or improvements in patient care, or develop breakthrough technologies and resources for clinical benefit. The CDMRP grant programme funds research aimed at multiple diseases. Projects should fall within the PRMRP Topic Areas. The list of all disease topics can be found here. Additionally, the CDMRP hosts sub-programmes aimed at cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, medical and orthopaedic research.

Natural sciences, mathematics, and computing sciences

Several DoD agencies provide grants in the fields of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Computing Sciences. The Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) makes pivotal investments in breakthrough technologies aimed at US security. Topics range from quantum information processing, Artificial Intelligence, Biofuels and Materials Synthesis to Photon Science.

Additionally, the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) also provides grants that are open to foreign researchers. The AFOSR funds fundamental research in many different fields. For example Engineering, Materials Sciences, Aerodynamics, Space Science, Computational Mathematics, Optical Physics, Biophysics or Organic Chemistry.


Although these funding programmes are open to non-US researchers, it is advised to non-US PI’s to contact the respective DoD agency prior to developing a full proposal. This is in order to discuss the current state of the art in his/her area of interest, how the proposed research would advance current understanding, the approximate cost of an initial effort and if there are target submission dates.

More information?

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like our support in identifying which foreign grants would suit your research project!

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