CEF Transport Military Mobility call 2023 now open for proposals

Are you working on a project focusing on the European transport network to improve the mobility of military assets? Then this CEF Transport Military Mobility call 2023 may be of interest to you. The CEF Transport is an important grant programme for the development of high-performing, sustainable and interconnected trans-European transport networks, focusing on the nine core network corridors. This call specifically focuses on the Military Mobility and is in line with the Action Plan on Military Mobility. The CEF Transport call makes € 790 million available and is now open for proposals.

What projects are eligible for this CEF Transport call?

Projects that meet both civil and defence needs are eligible for funding. This involves adapting parts of the TEN-T network to technical requirements in terms of size and capacity so that they are suitable for both civil and defence use. Your project is eligible if:

  • The project is located on the TEN-T and the EU military transport network;
  • The project takes into account infrastructure requirements applicable to certain categories of dual-use infrastructure projects.

Two types of applicants can submit their proposals:

  • One or more member states;
  • With the agreement of the member state(s) concerned, international organisations or public or private bodies established in an EU member state.

Apply for CEF Transport Military Mobility call 2023

You can submit your proposals now until 21 September 2023. A total of € 790 million is available.

Prepare your application with Hezelburcht

Our specialists have extensive knowledge of and experience in applying for the CEF grants. We are happy to provide support in preparing and writing your proposal. Contact us for more information on our services.

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