Topsector Energy (TSE)

For whom?

Sustainable and ambitious entrepreneurs

For what?

Low-carbon and sustainable energy projects

In need of advice?

Topsector Energy (TSE) is for efficient and cleanly generated energy which strengthens the Netherlands more economically and sustainably. The TSE offers a number of grant possibilities, including the DEI, TSE Industrie studies, Topsector Industrie Research & Development and VEKI. In order to achieve the climate objectives set by the Dutch Government, a number of instruments are available for research, development, pilot and demonstration projects.

DEI scheme for demonstration projects (DEI+)

Entrepreneurs who demonstrate products, processes or services which lead to energy saving, the reduction of CO₂ or stimulation of the generation of sustainable energy can apply for the DEI scheme. Since this year, the DEI no longer makes use of the tendering process for the application procedure.

TSE Industry Studies

Companies and entrepreneurs who want to research the feasibility of an innovative CO2-reducing demonstration or pilot project are eligible for the TSE Industry Studies grant.

TSE Industry Research & Development (R&D)

TSE Industry R&D is of interest to entrepreneurs with sustainable ambitions. You can receive funding  for projects that focus on (industrial) research and experimental development. Think for example of research into possibilities for cheaper, climate-neutral and/or circular products and services.

Renewable Energy (HER+)

Projects that contribute to reducing emissions in 2030 are eligible for a HER+ (Dutch: Hernieuwbare Energie) grant. Organisations can receive funding for innovative projects focusing on renewable energy, waste heat, hydrogen by electrolysis and CO2 capture and storage. Your project must be in TRL phase 6 to 8 to be eligible for the HER+ subsidy.

Accelerated climate investments industry (VEKI)

Investments in CO2-saving measures by industrial companies are eligible for support from the Accelerated climate investments industry, or in Dutch: Versnelde klimaatinvesteringen industrie (VEKI). Think of investments aimed at energy efficiency, recycling and reuse of waste, local infrastructure or other CO2-reducing measures.

More information about Topsector Energy (TSE)?

Would you like to know more about the grant possibilities for your organisation? Our specialists have broad experience in the programme and would be pleased to provide you with advice and support. Get in touch via 088 495 20 00 or


Are you in need of information or would you like to know more about Topsector Energy? Contact us via 088 495 20 00 or Or fill in the form below: