Koç University

Koç University (KU) is a private non-profit comprehensive research university that offers a world class educational experience in Istanbul, Turkey. Since its establishment in 1993, KU has quickly become one of the leading research universities in Turkey, attracting accomplished, high-calibre researchers from all over the world.

Horizon 2020 Twinning project

Assoc. Prof. Erdem Yörük, the principle investigator of the awarded Social ComQuant project, works in the Department of Sociology at KU and is an Associate Member of the Department of Social Policy and Intervention at the University of Oxford. He is currently one of the leading scientists and the first to propose and demonstrate a novel combination of computational social science, quantitative and qualitative methods as well as comparative and historical perspectives during his research.

Social ComQuant: Awarded Horizon 2020 Twinning Action Grant

Today, digitalization is an unstoppable megatrend. Digitalization of society characterizes the twenty-first century in many aspects of social, political and cultural life. Computational Social Science (CSS) and Quantitative Social Science (QSS) methods have rapidly developed to analyse these digital human traces, and have become the indispensable core of current high impact scientific research in Social Sciences. However, the widening country Turkey severely lacks scientific expertise and capacity in these methods and there is currently no graduate program on CSS at Turkish universities.
Collaboration Koc University image
Source: Koç University

The Social ComQuant project aims to enhance the scientific excellence and innovation capacity of KU in the fields of CSS and QSS in collaboration with the leading European institutions GESIS (Germany) and ISI Foundation (Italy). This will transform the widening institute KU to a regional hub in Turkey and the wider Middle East region for sociology research on digitalization and big data.

Social ComQuant fulfils the objectives of the Twinning Actions by introducing the promising institute KU into the closed group of excellent EU institutes in Social Sciences, increasing the participation of Turkey in European projects and establishing Turkey as an equal partner of the European Research Area.

Comprehensive support by Hezelburcht

The Social ComQuant project was awarded a highly competitive H2020 Twinning action grant. Hezelburcht is proud to have supported this application in collaboration with the project partners by giving full writing support.

We wish the Social ComQuant Consortia success with their future endeavors!

We really enjoyed working with Hezelburcht for the Twinning Action grant application. They were very knowledgeable about every detail of EU application processes and worked in a very disciplined and professional manner. We thank them for their excellent work. - Assoc. Prof Erdem Yörük

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