Gouden Dagen | Golden Volunteer


Develop a programme aimed at empowering and social inclusion of vulnerable older people through volunteering.

Project description

It is not easy to get in touch with vulnerable elderly people that are lonely. The biggest problem is that, as a rule, they do not knock on doors themselves. Increasing vulnerability is often an insidious process and people often do not see themselves as vulnerable or in need of help. This is also because vulnerability gives a one-sided picture, according to many vulnerable elderly people themselves [Leyden Academy, 2020]. Especially during the COVID-19 crisis, a very negative image has been created of a vulnerable elderly person. With statements such as ‘barren wood’, the image arises that vulnerable elderly people are a burden. However, many vulnerable elderly people can still contribute very well to society and help others.

With the innovative project Golden Volunteer, Gouden Dagen will support vulnerable elderly people with loneliness problems to get out and work for others by starting as a volunteer. Volunteering creates a positive effect on people’s well-being. It gives meaning to life and does good. Experiential experts are deployed to reach and activate these vulnerable elderly people. This creates a snowball effect in the neighborhood and increases social cohesion. People are addressed on their talents instead of their vulnerability. This can start as small as a joint cup of coffee with a neighbor or neighbor to organizing activities in the neighborhood yourself, where necessary with the support of the local coordinator / coach.

This programme is developed in co-creation with a diverse group of vulnerable elderly people. The program includes coaching, talent interviews, interest and meaning sessions and workshops, but also brainstorming sessions for original activities and a better organization. Volunteers can drink coffee with each other at the community centers at planned and unplanned moments and share experiences.

The entire program is based on the motto ‘living your life, instead of suffering’. The power of repetition is crucial to involve people structurally. In addition, individual attention and coaching is important within this diverse group.


Gouden dagen


  • Oranjefonds Corona Social Recovery Fund
  • VSB Fund