Writing a narrative CV for a Personal Research Grant: Key Considerations

Writing a well-structured and compelling CV is crucial when applying for a personal research grant. Nowadays, funding agencies (including the Dutch and the European Research Council) are increasingly embracing the narrative CV format, allowing researchers to contextualize their career and motivations. This shift aims to diversify evaluation criteria, promote inclusivity, and acknowledge the importance of individualized research paths, fostering a dynamic and innovative academic environment. However, some researchers find it challenging to navigate the freedom this format offers and seek guidance on the best approach to present themselves. To get you started, here are some key considerations for writing a narrative CV for a personal research grant.

Key considerations for writing a narrative CV

  1. Research Background and Motivation: Start your narrative CV by providing an engaging overview of your research background and the motivation behind your proposed project. Express the significance and potential impact of your research, demonstrating a deep understanding of the subject matter.
  2. Academic Journey: Highlight your academic journey to showcase the progression of your research interests and skills. Discuss pivotal educational experiences, mentors, or research projects that influenced your development as a researcher. Address challenges and how they shaped your approach to research.
  3. Interdisciplinary Approach: If your research involves an interdisciplinary approach, outline how your diverse academic background contributes to a unique perspective on the problem at hand.
  4. Relevant Research Experience: Detail relevant research experience, including publications, conference presentations, and grants or fellowships you’ve received. Provide context for each accomplishment and explain their significance to your growth as a researcher.
  5. Potential for Collaboration: Discuss your potential for collaboration within and beyond your academic institution. Highlight ongoing or past collaborations that have been fruitful.
  6. Leadership and Outreach: Showcase your leadership skills and involvement in outreach activities within the academic community and beyond. Demonstrate your commitment to mentoring others and engaging with the public.
  7. Future Goals and Vision: Articulate your long-term career goals and how the research grant fits into your overall vision. Explain how the proposed research will contribute to achieving these goals.

Why is it important to write a narrative CV?

A narrative CV for a personal research grant allows you to present your academic journey and research vision coherently. By considering these important aspects and telling your story effectively, you can enhance your chances of securing the funding needed to pursue your research dreams. Be authentic, passionate, concise and let your unique academic trajectory shine through!

Supporting your personal research grant proposal

If you are considering applying, our team of experienced specialists can help you throughout the process. We have a strong track record of supporting researchers with their personal research grant applications such as ERC and the NWO talent program, and we can help you craft a compelling proposal and CV that showcases your research excellence and leadership. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to secure funding for your high-impact research project. Get in touch with us via info@hezelburcht.com or call directly to 088 495 20 00.

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