Now open for proposals: Innovation Fund

The European Innovation Fund is open for proposals since Friday 3 July! The funding instrument supports large scale investments in cutting-edge low-carbon technologies. Interested to know whether your project might be eligible?

Mission Innovation Fund | A climate neutral Europe

With the help of the Innovation Fund the European Commission hopes to realise their vision of a climate neutral Europe by 2050. The Innovation Fund stimulates the development of large scale demonstration projects focused on cutting-edge low-carbon technologies, such as:

  • Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS)
  • Low-carbon technologies /processes in energy intensive industries
  • Renewable energy generation
  • Energy storage

Does your project focus on the aformentioned technologies? Hezelburcht checks whether your project meets the requirements.

Budget of € 1 billion for a more sustainable world

This first Innovation Fund call has a budget of € 1 billion. Projects with an investment size bigger than € 7.5 million are eligible. Future calls will most likely also accept projects with an investment size of up to €7.5 million.

Interested in the Innovation Fund?

Would you like to submit a proposal individually or with a consortium? Competition is expected to be very high, so make sure your application is ready in time for the anticipated deadline.

Hezelburcht offers support during the entire grant process: from preparations to submitting your application. Our specialists will ensure your application will be at its best before submission!

Interested in the Innovation Fund? Contact us!
Or call us directly: 088 495 20 00

Innovation Fund
Related grant Innovation Fund
Are you, individually or in collaboration with partners, working on an large- or small-scale (demons...Read more


Interested in the Innovation Fund? Or are you considering submitting an application? Contact us for more information!

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Would you like to know more about the Innovation Fund? Contact us for more information!