Looking ahead: Developing the next programme for Interreg NWE 2021-2027

Interreg NWE has formally started developing a new programme for the upcoming seven years (2021-2027). The coming months will be dedicated to designing a framework for this new period. The Interreg NWE taskforce (NTF) will lead the way during the programming process. The NTF was established in 2019 and consists of delegates from all participating countries. Although not much has been published yet about the programme itself, we can inform you about some of the most recent developments.

Change in participating countries

Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg and the Netherlands have confirmed their participation in the future Interreg NWE programme. However, two participants have terminated their participation:

  • The UK has announced that it will not participate in the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) and the European Territorial Cooperation programmes in 2021-2027, among which Interreg NWE.
  • Switzerland will not participate as a partner state in the new programme.

Programming process: What do we know so far?

The NTF will have a deciding role during the process. The Joint Secretariat, the Managing Authority (Région Hauts-de-France), Contact Points and an external facilitator will join in an advisory capacity. Within the NTF, seven working groups have been or will be launched in the upcoming months to discuss and make proposals regarding the following topics:

  • Territorial analysis
  • Themes
  • Indicators
  • Project development
  • Communication
  • Finances
  • Technical assistance

The NTF will take the working groups’ proposals into consideration and make a final decision based on their input.

Interreg NWE 2021-2027

Source: Interreg NWE

Preliminary study | Territorial analysis

A preliminary territorial analysis has been conducted in order to identify the Interreg NWE programme’s strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. With this analysis they sought answers to questions such as: which geographical areas need to be included in the new programme? Which territorial projects are valuable to European, transnational cooperation? This analysis offers support to the working groups and NTF during the programming process. Stakeholders will also be consulted at the end of 2020 or start of 2021.

Cooperation is key

During the development of the new programme, one has to look closely at the past: How can the new Interreg NWE programme be even better and more effective than its predecessor? To reach this goal, cooperation during the developmental phase is essential.

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Interreg for a stronger Europe
Related grant Interreg for a stronger Europe
The INTERREG programmes stimulate innovative and sustainable cooperation projects which focus on cre...Read more


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