CEF 2 Transport: highlights of the draft multiannual work programme 2021-2023

At the beginning of April, RVO (Netherlands Enterprise Agency) broadcasted a preview of the draft multiannual work programme of CEF 2 Transport – for the first three years of CEF 2. During this broadcast RVO provided information on policy themes, principles, budget, subsidies, sectors, evaluation criteria and planning; this in view of the CEF 2 Transport call 2021, which will probably be opened at the end of June. This article covers the highlights.

Please note that the information provided on the work programme is still subject to change. The final work programme 2021-2023 is expected to be adopted in July. The CEF 2 Transport call 2021 is expected to open in September. Keep an eye on our website for more information on the latest developments.

Policy themes of CEF 2 Transport

The policy themes in the multiannual work programme are:

  • Core theme: Smart and Green;
  • Efficient and safe European freight and passenger transport;
  • Better cross-border (rail) connections;
  • Hard infrastructure and data systems;
  • Sustainable mobility;
  • Alternative fuels.

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Budget division and grant rates

The total CEF 2 Transport budget is € 25.81 billion (2021-2027), which is distributed as follows:

  • € 12.83 billion for the general envelope;
  • € 11.29 billion for the cohesion envelope (n/a for the Netherlands);
  • € 1.69 billion for military mobility.

The available budget will be spent through one large CEF Transport call per year covering all priorities/categories.

The European Commission (EC) has set as a central objective to further develop, complete and modernise the TEN-T network. 60% of the CEF 2 Transport budget (general envelope) will be spent on the development and completion of this network. 40% of the budget will be dedicated to the modernisation of the TEN-T network (including sustainable mobility).

Grant rates

The maximum grant rate for ‘studies’ applications is again 50%. For ‘works’ applications, the standard grant rate is up to 30%; cross-border transport projects, on the other hand, can receive up to 50% of the eligible project costs.

Blending Facility will continue as: Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Facility

The CEF Transport Blending Facility – which lasted until March 2021 – will be continued, but in a different form. The new name will be Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Facility, which is intended for projects that are ready for the market but still need funding. The focus within this instrument is on the rapid deployment of zero emission alternative fuels. This instrument covers both the TEN-T Core Network and the Comprehensive Network.

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In line with the Blending Facility, there must be cooperation with an Implementing Partner (including the EIB). However, cooperation with commercial banks is also possible, but in that case a more robust/comprehensive evaluation of the project proposal will take place.

Grant contribution

For projects concerning electric charging points on the TEN-T road network, unit costs are applied. In all other cases, a percentage of the actual costs incurred is applied (30% for hydrogen, electricity and vessels; 10% for LNG).

Cut-off dates

The implementation of this instrument is done on the basis of a rolling call with a cut-off date every 4-5 months.

CEF Transport call 2021 | When does it open?

The CEF Transport call 2021 is expected to open in September. Each project can only be submitted under one topic. During the evaluation, both “studies” and “works” projects will be selected on the basis of maturity, quality, impact, priority & urgency, catalytic effect of EU funding and climate proofing (including climate adaptation and mitigation, carbon footprint and shadow costs).

Revision of TEN-T guidelines – public consultation

A public consultation on the revision of the TEN-T guidelines is currently open. Input can be provided until 5 May 2021 by completing an online questionnaire. This consultation can be found here.

Questions about CEF 2 Transport?

Our specialists would be pleased to answer all your questions! Feel free to contact us via the form below or call us directly to immediately discuss your project idea.

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Or call us directly: 088 495 20 00

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