For whom?

Ambitious SMEs

For what?

Digital innovations and disruptive technologies


€ 2.7 million

In need of advice?

Effectively solving complex diseases requires integrated and automated medical diagnostics. To address this issue, the programme DIGI-B-CUBE stimulates the application of digital technologies and knowledge in Bioimaging, Biosensing, and Biobanking and related areas through a voucher system. Projects that focus on integrating digital innovations and disruptive technologies into medical diagnostics and related value chains are eligible.

For whom is the DIGI-B-CUBE project?

Participation is possible for SMEs located in an EU member state or H2020 associated country and that operate in one of the following sectors:

  • Healthcare/medicine/biotech/biopharma;
  • IT and related sectors (robotics, automation, electronics, nanotech, etc).

Voucher system

There are four types of vouchers available within this grant:

  • Prototyping Voucher

Receive funding to develop a prototype or conceptualize a solution, such as a Proof of Concept or feasibility study. Applications can be submitted by consortiums consisting of a minimum of two SMEs from at least two different sectors with a maximum of three organizations.

  • Customized Solution Innovation Voucher

Receive funding to develop a new product or service based on an existing proven concept. Applications can be submitted by consortiums comprising at least two SMEs from different sectors.

  • Co-Working Disruption Lab Voucher

Receive funding to continue a successfully completed project through the Customized Solution Innovation voucher in an incubator, accelerator, coworking space, laboratory, or technical and innovation facility of the network of DIGI-B-CUBE or other relevant SMEs. Applications can be submitted by one SME from a consortium that has completed a Customized Solution Innovation Voucher project and a host organization.

  • Travel Voucher

Get reimbursed for travel expenses incurred to attend DIGI-B-CUBE events.

More information?

Do you have any questions regarding these or similar funding options? Our specialists would be happy to help you! Contact us via 088 495 20 00 or info@hezelburcht.com for more information.


In need of advice? Contact us via 088 495 20 00 or info@hezelburcht.com. Or fill in the form below: