Koen Olde Rikkert, BSc

Koen Olde Rikkert, BSc


Phone number
088 495 20 00


After his education in computer science, Koen went on to gain several years of business experience before starting at Hezelburcht in April 2022. As a consultant he mostly works on IT related grants, and specialises in AI and cyber security related calls.

During my time in Newcastle I’ve enjoyed applying my analytical and logical thinking capabilities towards IT related problems and solutions. My curiosity keeps me wanting to explore more and more new technologies, which is exactly what excites me most about my work at Hezelburcht. During my work I get to analyse and support new ideas that contribute towards the world of tomorrow.

As a fanatic surfer and passionate chef, I take great care in building a healthy world. Taking me on a day to day search for sustainable choices and new ways to create an impact. I try to integrate these ideals into my work and connect them to my technical knowhow.

Working at Hezelburcht

Since April 2022


  • Computer Science (BSc) | Newcastle University


IT, including AI, Cyber Security & Computer Vision


Koen Olde Rikkert on LinkedIn

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